Case study


A crypto exchange
like no other

Product design
Web development

The first community driven social crypto trading platform. Automatically copy other traders, socialise with your peers, and post content all within the exchange.

Maxxer mobile app, showing the social trading league leaderboard screen.
Macbook with the Maxxer desktop app, showing the markets screen..

Provide everyone with the ability to make money hands-free on a crypto trading platform, regardless of crypto or trading knowledge. And create a space for new crypto investors to interact and learn from the experienced in a open and secure environment.



Time period

2021 - 2022

Design team

Michel Kerkmeester
Candela Piancatelli Ruiz

Utilized tools

Notice: Due to financial issues and turbulence in the crypto space, maxxer has gone into hibernation mode until further funding is acquired. As a result, the designs and features in this case study have not been fully implemented or refined as originally envisioned by the design team.

A crypto exchange
like no other

A crypto exchange
like no other

Product design
Web development

The first community driven social crypto trading platform. Automatically copy other traders, socialise with your peers, and post content all within the exchange.

Maxxer mobile app, showing the social trading league leaderboard screen.

Provide everyone with the ability to make money hands-free on a crypto trading platform, regardless of crypto or trading knowledge.

And create a space for new crypto investors to interact and learn from the experienced in a open and secure environment.



Time period

2021 - 2022

Design team

Michel Kerkmeester
Candela Piancatelli Ruiz

Utilized tools

Notice: Due to financial issues and turbulence in the crypto space, maxxer has gone into hibernation mode until further funding is acquired.

As a result, the designs and features in this case study have not been fully implemented or refined as originally envisioned by the design team.

the problem

1)  Cryptocurrency exchange platforms are often hard to use, with complicated interfaces and confusing language causing costly mistakes, leading to frustration and discouragement to people new to crypto.

2)  Many people lack confidence in their investing and trading abilities due to stories of losses or their own past losses which are often caused by acting on emotion and lack of knowledge.

3)  There is a lack of centralized communication channels for sharing and monetizing crypto-related content and services. As a result, content creators and traders are forced to rely on multiple platforms, leading to inefficiencies and low returns.

iMac with the Maxxer desktop app, showing the markets screen.
Maxxer mobile and tablet app, markets, advanced trading

the problem

1)  Cryptocurrency exchange platforms are often hard to use, with complicated interfaces and confusing language causing costly mistakes, leading to frustration and discouragement to people new to crypto.

2)  Many people lack confidence in their investing and trading abilities due to stories of losses or their own past losses which are often caused by acting on emotion and lack of knowledge.

3)  There is a lack of centralized communication channels for sharing and monetizing crypto-related content and services. As a result, content creators and traders are forced to rely on multiple platforms, leading to inefficiencies and low returns.

iMac with the Maxxer desktop app, showing the markets screen..
Maxxer mobile and tablet app, markets, advanced trading

How we solved
‍‍‍the problem

1)  Our platform was created with ease of use in mind, with an interface that is simplistic and easy for anyone to grasp, even for those who are just starting out. Together with the platform we are also launching an academy website with educational videos that introduce people to the crypto space and the language used.

2)  Our flagship feature, social trading, allows novices to copy the trades of seasoned traders, while experienced traders can earn an additional passive income by climbing up the ranks of our social trading leagues. To further amplify the user experience, we've introduced a reward system that adds an extra layer of fun and competition to the trading experience.

3)  Our platform focuses on the social aspect, which is why we created an entire social media platform inside the exchange, so you can follow other users, subscribe to their content, and participate in the community. This gives crypto influencers and traders the ability to monetize their content and build closed or open communities right from within the platform.

Maxxer app shown on 4 different devices in light and dark mode.
Maxxer mobile app, social community screens.

How we solved
‍‍the problem

1)  Our platform was created with ease of use in mind, with an interface that is simplistic and easy for anyone to grasp, even for those who are just starting out. As part of the platform launch, we also have an academy website with educational videos.

2)  Our flagship feature, social trading, allows novices to copy the trades of seasoned traders, while experienced traders can earn an additional passive income by climbing up the ranks of our social trading leagues. To further amplify the user experience, we've introduced a reward system that adds an extra layer of fun and competition to the trading experience.

3)  Our platform focuses on the social aspect, which is why we created an entire social media platform inside the exchange, so you can follow other users, subscribe to their content, and participate in the community. This gives crypto influencers and traders the ability to monetize their content and build closed or open communities right from within the platform.

Maxxer app shown on 4 different devices in light and dark mode.
iMac with the Maxxer desktop app, showing the social trading screen.

Flexible and scalable
design system

We created a design system based on Atomic design. By designing and maintaining everything in a centralized library we were able to streamline the design process and ensure consistency. The design system also facilitated an efficient handover process that reduced the time and effort required to transfer design assets, specifications, and documentation to the developers. In addition to saving time, it reduced our QA ticket count considerably.

iMac with the Maxxer desktop components.

Flexible and scalable
design system

We created a design system based on Atomic design. By designing and maintaining everything in a centralized library we were able to streamline the design process and ensure consistency.

The design system also facilitated an efficient handover process that reduced the time and effort required to transfer design assets, specifications, and documentation to the developers.

iMac with the Maxxer desktop components.

‍‍the results


Established a
Unique Concept


Launched the beta
on iOS and Android


Over $2.000.000
in funding acquired

With the MVP in place and the launch of the open beta, maxxer was able to demonstrate it's concept to investors and demonstrate its potential, to try and get Series A funding to further built on the concept.

‍‍the results

With the MVP in place and the launch of the open beta, maxxer was able to demonstrate it's concept to investors and demonstrate its potential, to try and get Series A funding to further built on the concept.


Established a
Unique Concept


Launched the beta
on iOS and Android


Over $2.000.000
in funding acquired

Next project

Cover photo of Praxis project